Hi Lightgliders!
Did you know that there is a leadership program inside Lightgliders? That’s right! Lightgliders who are active in the community and are continually showing respect to their fellow Lightgliders become eligible for the Lightgliders Ambassador Program. This program gives Lightgliders special privileges and opportunities to lead.
After three months and reaching light level 40, Lightgliders can apply for this leadership program and become an Ambassador. To apply, simply tell a moderator that you would like to be considered for Ambassadorship! After nine months (or sometimes sooner!), Lightgliders can apply to become a Senior Ambassador. To qualify, Lightgliders must show excellent leadership inside Lightgliders as evidenced by respectful social interactions, community event attendance, and helpfulness to others.

Ambassadors and Senior Ambassadors are to be leaders and role models in the Lightgliders community. They receive a special glider, nameplate color, and privileges as well as responsibilities! Ambassadors can be recognized by their green nameplate, while Senior Ambassadors can be recognized by their blue nameplate. Moderators are recognized by their purple nameplate color. If you are new to Lightgliders, please ask an Ambassador, Senior Ambassador, or Moderator for help or even a tour!

All the ambassadors and moderators are here to serve the community and are expected to interact positively with others and to make the online community welcoming and encouraging. They each receive a stipend of gold coins each month, so that they can give gifts from TreeMart and Glider Gear to other Lightgliders, such as gliders, stickers, and hats. They lead the weekly Ambassador Hangout on Saturdays at 4pm EST / 3pm CST. Ambassadors are expected to be active in the Academy: a once-weekly participant or similar may lose their level of Ambassadorship.
Everyone in the Lightgliders community, including Ambassadors and Senior Ambassadors, must follow the chat rules. Anyone can lose their chat privileges and ambassador status at any time. So review the chat rules periodically and remember to always follow the first goal of a Lightglider – RESPECT!
Glide on!