Glider Gazette

Weekly Lightglider news to encourage faith and fun!


March 24, 2025

“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.” - John 13:34 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders! 

As Lightgliders, we seek to respect others, rescue Gliddles, and restore the land of Glideon! Hopefully, you know that by now. But do you know why we do these things? Because we value love here. Love motivates each of the goals of a Lightglider. We want love to motivate everything we do in life. That’s why it is one of our core values. When we love, we put the needs of others ahead of our own. Unfortunately, our selfishness will continue to try to rule our thoughts and motivations, so we need to be continually reminded to love. The best reminder for me to love is to think about Jesus. And to remember what He did on the cross. He did that for me. And because He chose to love me when I didn’t deserve it, I remember to love others. 

What does it look like to love the people in your life?  Do you offer words of encouragement? Do you serve, give gifts, write notes, smile, hug, share, or listen? There are lots of ways to love others. Love energizes any atmosphere.

Glide On!


• Read John 13:34-35 in the Bible. What will our love do to the world?

• Why can it be difficult to love?

• What does love look like to you?

• Who has God given you to love?

• What is one way you will love others this week?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• Play the BRAND NEW Game of the Week, Restore the Yonders! Everyone on the leaderboard this Saturday will receive a surprise in their inventory!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use this week’s Mystery Code - LOVE - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Dream of ways to shine this week. Here are some suggestions!

• Give smiles away like they’re free this week! Because they are! Whenever you get a chance to smile and say hello to someone, do it! See how much it brightens their day, and yours too!

• Write a note to your parents or caregivers telling them how much they mean to you! Try to give it to them at a special time, maybe a family dinner or before bed time!

• Use your Lightglider Journal to write down all the ways you notice how God loves you!

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4pm EST / 3pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.   

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to gather in groups and go on multiplayer missions together in the Yonders! 

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Guess Who’s Who in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: PARTY DAY!!! Meet in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for the Spring Breakdance Party!

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games.

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Spotlights #240

March 22, 2025

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Sleepy Super Ninkempoop and Edgar Energetic Groovy! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Both Sleepy and Edgar have been Lightgliders for around four years and are INCREDIBLE friends to have in the Academy! They are engaging, love playing games with their friends, and include everyone! Way to go, you two!!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Machine Bunker

Hey there! My name’s Bryce, and I’m the head of missions here at Lightglider Academy. I love to save Gliddles from the Machines, so my mission for you is to take on the Machines where it’ll hurt them most! We’ve discovered the location of a Machine Bunker, where Machines are made and sent out into the Yonders. We need to shut this factory down! 

There are lots of Machines in there, so stay alert! Remember, your defense systems can fire automatically, so concentrate on dodging enemy attacks while you battle Machines. Some Machines are programmed to guard doors and hallways. They have lots of armor, but they’re very slow. Stop at a safe distance and you’ll whittle them down!

Go get ‘em!  I’ll be rooting for you!

Glide on!

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March 17, 2025

“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope, comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say.” - 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders! 

This week we are talking about the Lightglider value of hope. It’s a small word with a big impact. To live with hope means to look to the future with the expectation that good things are coming.  

This is tough to do sometimes, especially if the circumstances around us are hard. Living amidst suffering is very real. However, because of Jesus, we always have a reason to live with hope even in the midst of the hard. God promises eternal life and a fully restored world one day. He will make everything right some time in the future. What a wonderful day that will be! We always have a reason to hope!

And, trust me on this, hope is invigorating. It is electrifying. It is powerful! When we live with hope, we will share it with others. And, like a spark, the fire of hope spreads and the future begins to look brighter and brighter to those around you. Think of the Gliddles in the Yonders. Just knowing that Lightgliders are out there gives them hope that the future is bright. This is the power of hope. 

I try to wake up each day with hope--with the expectation that the day will be new, exciting, and meaningful. I'm telling you, living with hope makes a difference!

Glide On!


• Read 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 in the Bible. According to these verses, what does Jesus give us?

• How can you spread hope to others?

• What do you hope for in life?

• What does it look like to have hope in hard times?

• How does Jesus’ love for us give us hope?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• Play the Game of the Week, Sling Escape! Everyone on the leaderboard this weekend will receive a prize!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use this week’s Mystery Code - HOPE - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Dream of ways to shine this week. Here are some suggestions!

• Hope is contagious! Ask some friends and family what they are looking forward to in the future.

• Use your Lightgliders Journal to write down three things you are really looking forward to. If you feel comfortable, share them with a trusted grown up!

• What is something you could do right now that would make tomorrow brighter? Maybe it’s something as simple as taking your laundry to the washing machine so it can get clean, and literally be brighter!

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4pm EST / 3pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.   

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to gather in groups and go on multiplayer missions together in the Yonders! 

• Tuesday: Join moderator Primrose in the Courtyard for the monthly Spotlight Celebration Party at 5pm EST / 4pm CST!

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a Crazy Outfit Show in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games.

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Spotlights #239

March 15, 2025

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to our Treehouse Contest Winners in the Academy! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

A big congratulations goes out to:

Amber Awesome Artist

Fern Spirited Marshmallow

Sparkle Valiant Superstar

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

River Journey

Tambika here, with another mission for you! This time you’ll be clearing the blight and rescuing the Gliddles near the River. After your success in the Waterfall area, I’m sure you’ll do great!

Be on the lookout for more secrets here! Anything that’s out of place might hide treasures and Gliddles! 

We also try to send supply drops to tricky areas. Look for areas marked with a glowing door--you’ll find supplies to help you recharge and get back into the action! Glide on!

Glide on!

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March 10, 2025

“Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.” - Ephesians 3:12 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders! 

We’re talking about the Lightglider value of confidence this week. Confidence comes from a strong belief that you are known and loved. You can live with confidence because of how much God knows and loves you! But how can we be so sure of this? Because of Jesus! God the father sent his son Jesus to die on the cross and redeem us from sin and death. Do you realize what this means? It means that you never have to question your value, no matter what anyone says or thinks about you. God knows you and loves you more than anyone else ever has or will. And the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is the proof. 

Never forget how valuable you are! You always have a reason to be confident because of what Jesus did for you. Your confidence should not come from your abilities, your friends, or your moral performance. These things are not dependable. No, our confidence comes from God's immeasurable love for us, which was revealed to us through Jesus! When we understand that our confidence can be anchored upon the unchanging rock of God's love, we will walk with the courage and boldness necessary to shine light in dark places, to stand up for what is right, and to repent when we make mistakes.

Glide On!


Here are some reflection questions to discuss with your family as you learn about confidence this week!

• Read Ephesians 3:10-12 in the Bible. What does our faith in Christ give us?

• How can a knowledge of God’s love affect our confidence?

• Where does your confidence come from?

• What is an example of a time when you stood up for what was right?

• What distracts you from resting in God’s love?

• TREEHOUSE CONTEST THIS WEEK! Decorate your Treehouse and let a mod know it’s amazing, or nominate your friends! 

• Play the Game of the Week, Yonders Run! Everyone on the leaderboard this Saturday will receive a surprise in their inventory!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use this week’s Mystery Code - CONFIDENCE - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Dream of ways to shine this week. Here are some suggestions!

• One way to grow in confidence is to help others grow in theirs! Give out some compliments this week, and see how that grows your confidence!

• What’s a new activity you can try, helping you grow in courage and confidence? Talk about it with a parent or trusted grown up, and try it this week!

• Try to see mistakes as an opportunity to get better! Knowing that your confidence doesn’t come from your performance, name one thing you learned from a mistake this week.

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4pm EST / 3pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.   

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to gather in groups and go on multiplayer missions together in the Yonders! 

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games.

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Spotlights #238

March 8, 2025

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to our newest Ambassadors in the Academy! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

A big congratulations goes out to:

Faith Adventurous Voyager 

Max Hungry Sleuth

Sparkle Valiant Superstar

Jefferson Swift Hero

Flash Mysterious Detective

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Yonders Run

Lightgliders! It’s Tambika. You’ve been selected to scout out a new area of the Yonders. Dodge the Machines and blight and grab the coins you find there! Tap to jump up to two times in a row, and grab the powerups to get boosts to your speed, jump height, and armor! How deep into the Yonders will you be able to go?

Glide on!

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March 3, 2025

“Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.”

- Philippians 2:3-4 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders! 

This week we are discussing the Lightglider value of humility. We learned last week about purpose - how God has created each of us uniquely and in His image. Because of this, our lives are filled with purpose. Even though each of us is created to shine like stars in the universe, we must understand that we are far from perfect. The sin and selfishness that began in the Garden of Eden carries on today in every human heart. It causes division, brokenness, and strife. Admitting our need for God’s love and forgiveness requires humility. To live with humility means to understand that we are weak and need God’s help. We cannot depend on our own talents, accomplishments, or even our good behavior. These things will fail us and will never be able to save us from sin and death. We have to depend on God and His power to save us through Jesus. Only with humble hearts is this even possible. And, as we live with humility, we are able to take our focus off ourselves, receive God’s love, and truly focus on the needs of others.

One of the Yonders missions you will go on is called “Keep Out!” and is filled with puzzles. That’s a good name for it because those who are proud or unwilling to fail should keep out. To complete it, you will need humility. Stay focused on your missions to the Yonders. You will fail at some. You will succeed at some. But, in everything, including Yonders missions, stay humble!  

Glide On!


Here are some activities for you to do and questions to reflect upon this week in Lightgliders. Do these by yourself or with a family member!

• Read Philippians 2:3-5 in the Bible. What kind of attitude did Jesus have?

• What does it mean to be humble?

• In what ways do you take an interest in others?

• What is one area of weakness where you need God’s help?

• What are ways to point others to Jesus?

• Play the Game of the Week, Waterfall Climber! Everyone on the leaderboard this Saturday gets a surprise in your inventory!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use this week’s Mystery Code - HUMILITY - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Dream of ways to shine this week. Here are some suggestions!

• Is there someone you need to apologize to this week? Go to the person and ask for their forgiveness!

• Think of a way you can help out around your house without being asked! Be willing to “humble yourself” to do something you normally wouldn’t do. Maybe it’s cleaning the bathroom sink, or taking out the trash, or vacuuming your family’s carpet. 

• Do something that puts others first this week. Maybe give up your spot in line for lunch and allow someone to go in front of you!

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4pm EST / 3pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.   

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to gather in groups and go on multiplayer missions together in the Yonders! 

• Tuesday:  If you are new to Lightgliders in the past month (or even if you’re not), join moderator Hazel for the New Player Tour at 5pm EST / 4pm CST! She’ll have fun prizes and a Glideon-wide scavenger hunt waiting for all new Lightgliders.

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Fire on the Mountain in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games.

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Spotlights #237

March 1, 2025

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Faith Fearless Adventurer and Ezra Prudent Lion! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Congratulations to Faith and Ezra for being Lightgliders for 3 years!! They have both demonstrated tremendous leadership inside the Academy as well as compassion and love for others! Way to shine BRIGHT, Lightgliders!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Waterfall Cavern

Hello again! It’s Tambika, and I’m giving you a new mission in Waterfall Cavern, just underneath Waterfall Meadow. This cave seems to be where a lot of the blight is coming from, so we need to get in there and destroy the blight inside! Click on blight next to you to clear it. You can click and drag on multiple blight patches to restore them quickly! Blight usually covers treasures and Materials in the Yonders. Go ahead and grab them; you can trade them for cool stuff here at the Academy!

Clearing blight uses RES, the yellow bar to the left of your screen. If you run out, don’t worry. Just come back to the Academy and hang out. Your RES will recharge over time, and then you can go back to the mission where you last passed a checkpoint! Be on the lookout for RES orbs in the Yonders as well. Don’t grab the RES orbs if you’re already full on RES, or they’ll be wasted!

Glide on!

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An Excerpt from Bryce and the Lost Pearl

February 28, 2025

Hey, it's Bryce! This is just a taste of my exciting adventures when I first visited the land of Glideon!


Bryce jumped to his feet and brandished the pole to ward off whoever just spoke. Pain shot through his leg. 


 “Fear not,” the voice said. 

Bryce sputtered and spun around on his good leg. Still, he saw no one. He shouted to the empty space, “Who are you? Show yourself! Are you the Lost Explorer?”

 “The Lost Explorer? Certainly not!” the voice answered. “You’re in Glideon—the Sludge Valley region of Glideon, to be precise. This area is known as Sludge Canyon.” 

“Wait, what?! Where?!” Bryce asked, slapping the pole against his hand. 

“Relax, be at peace,” the voice said. 

Bryce stared at the horizon. Before him all he could see was an endless wasteland of sludge. In the distance, he thought he saw the ruins of an old castle. In the other direction, a forest. 

“You are upset, angry, and afraid,” said the gentle high-pitched voice. “Not a good combination for anyone.” 

The voice sounded like it was right beside him. Bryce whirled around and around until he made himself dizzy. 

“Calm down or you’ll hurt yourself. You humans are always searching for big things, when the true things are small and often hidden in plain sight. Look down. I’m right beside you.” 

Bryce wobbled to a stop. He looked down and then staggered backward in disbelief. Standing before him was a creature unlike any he’d ever seen. It was covered in red fur, with huge eyes like the owl plushie in his Easter basket when he was little. About the size of a small monkey but much fluffier, it was no taller than Bryce’s knee. The bright red fur on its head stuck out in angled points, as though it was perpetually windblown. 

“I’m so exhausted from crawling out of that quicksand. I must be delirious. Now I’m hallucinating! This is all just some crazy dream. Maybe I’m back home in bed and I never got in a fight with Finneas, or lost Leo, or wandered into the woods.” 

“This is not a dream,” the talking plushie replied. “You are in Glideon, which I’ve already told you. I’m a Gliddle. We have inhabited Glideon since the time before time, when the land was as wondrous and pure as the faith of a child. Like all Gliddles, I burst to life from the buds of the Singing Trees. I am Kam-Elia, of the Cardinal Brood, of the ancient Seers of Sage Valley, below the Purpleback Mountains.”

 Bryce said nothing. He just stared at the fluffy creature. 

Kam-Elia stared back. The Gliddle’s bulbous eyes sparkled with joy. So far, regardless of what it said, its expression remained one of pure elation. 

“What may I call you?” Kam-Elia asked. 

“Uh, I’m Bryce.” 

“It’s a delight to meet you, Bryce. Did Professor Watts summon you?” 


“Professor Watts. Rescuer of Gliddle refugees. Restorer of Glideon. Architect of Lightglider Academy. I assume since you vanquished our foe,” the Gliddle pointed at the pole in Bryce’s hand, “Watts must have called you to rescue Gliddles. With Watts gone, we need you Lightgliders now more than ever!” 

Bryce looked down at the metal rod. “Huh? I didn’t vanquish your foe. I just used this lamp—er, this metal rod—to save myself from drowning in this horrendous swamp.” 


“I guess,” Bryce replied. “I was just trying to survive.” 

“Yes, I noticed,” Kam-Elia said. 

“You noticed?” 

“Yes. I was over there, behind that boulder,” Kam-Elia pointed eastward at a large gray boulder surrounded by weeds.

“You were watching? And you didn’t help me!?” Bryce exclaimed. 

“With so many Gliddles taken captive, I couldn’t risk being added to their number. I had to be sure you were not allied with Grapethorne and his Machines,” Kam-Elia replied. “My sincerest apologies. I now know I should have helped you. But we’ve lost . . .” Kam-Elia’s voice softened and shook. “We’ve lost so many Gliddles.” 

Kam-Elia blinked rapidly, and a tear fell onto the walkway. 

“But then,” Kam-Elia sniffled, “I witnessed you rising from the sludge with the Machine arm in your hand. I knew you had defeated the sinister enemy, a dreaded Pincher. It was then I realized you were a Lightglider, and I flew from my shelter to greet you!” 

“Grapethorne? Machines? Lightglider?” Bryce asked. He knelt before the Gliddle. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m from Victor Harbor. This is Granite Island. All I did was wander into those trees over there,” Bryce pointed westward to the swamp where there were no trees—and then slowly pulled his hand back to his side. 

“What trees?” Kam-Elia asked, looking around. “The nearest trees are in that direction, half a kilometer away. Were you up north in the Purple Mountain foothills? That glorious parcel of Glideon is a half day journey, by glider.” The Gliddle paused and glanced around. “By the Bryce and the Lost Pearl 99 way, where is your glider? Blight is way too dangerous for humans to navigate without one.” 

“Again.” Bryce ran his hands through his hair. “I have no idea what you’re talking about! I have to get back home. I must find Leo and get back to Uncle Barn. I must go . . . now!” 

“Hmmm.” Kam-Elia’s eyes were closed as though deep in thought. “Maybe. Yes, yes, yes.” 

“Yes, what?” Bryce asked, standing up. He rubbed his sore ankle. 

“We will endeavor to send you homeward, but first—” 

Before Kam-Elia could say anymore, a thunderous crash erupted from the tree line in the distance. 

Kam-Elia instantly darted behind Bryce. He could feel the Gliddle shaking against his legs. 

“No, no, no,” Kam-Elia whispered. 

Several saplings exploded from the forest’s edge. The trees scattered and skidded across the ground like pick-up sticks. Jangled and jostled in every direction, whatever sent the timber flying was more powerful than dynamite. As the dust settled, Bryce and Kam-Elia remained frozen on the bridge. 

In the spot where the trees had been standing just moments before, a procession of part-octopus, partautomobile machines came rumbling into the clearing. Bryce squinted, trying to make sense of the sight. They were about three hundred meters away and headed straight for Bryce and his new Gliddle companion. 

The devices had long metal arms with enormous tong-like claws affixed to a spinning center orb on which they rolled, like giant trackballs from a vintage video game. The orbs spun, propelling the metal beast along the ground. All the while, claws snapped at the air. 

“No, no, no,” Kam-Elia whispered again. 

Bryce looked down at the metal pole. He looked down at Kam-Elia, quivering behind his knee. 

“Those are . . . those are . . .” he said. 

“Machines,” they whispered in unison.

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February 24, 2025

“So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” - Genesis 1:27 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders! 

I am excited to introduce the first value of a Lightglider – Purpose. I love all the Lightglider values, but I especially love this one because I seek to live each day as a purposeful adventure. To live with purpose means to live with the belief that your life matters. As Lightgliders, we believe that our lives are both valuable and meaningful.

But how do we know this is true? Because God made us in His image! Just read our theme verse for the week above!

Because of this, our lives have worth and dignity that no one can take away. If the Creator of the universe took time to create you, then guess what! Your life matters and you are here for a reason! To live with purpose means to live every day with this strong belief.  

In Lightgliders, we rescue Gliddles, restore the land, and seek to help others any way we can. Look around you. The world is in need and you were uniquely created to make a difference! Each day provides us a new opportunity to live a purposeful adventure!

Glide On!


• Read Genesis 1:26-27 in the Bible. What image were male and female made in?

• What does purpose mean to you?

• In what ways do you live with a sense of purpose?

• What does it mean to you to be ‘God’s masterpiece?’

• In what ways do you want to positively impact the world?

• It’s PARTY WEEK!!! Join moderators and Lightglider friends for Bryce’s Glad Libs Party at 5pm EST / 4pm CST!

• Play the Game of the Week, Picture Puzzles! Everyone on the leaderboard this Saturday gets a prize!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use the Mystery Code - PURPOSE - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Dream of ways to shine this week. Here are some suggestions!

• Go on a purposeful adventure. What did you do?

• Draw a picture of your favorite activity. How does this activity encourage a sense of purpose in you?

• Think about your day. Write in your journal about all the moments that felt significant. 

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4pm EST / 3pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.   

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to gather in groups and go on multiplayer missions together in the Yonders! 

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Leap Cat in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: PARTY DAY!!! Meet in the Courtyard at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Bryce’s Glad Libs Party!

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games.

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Spotlights #236

February 22, 2025

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Macy Golden Champion! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Congratulations to Macy Golden Champion for hitting level 80 and making it onto the Gleam Team! Waahhooo!!!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Emerald Fields

Hello, I’m Nisha! I serve in a lot of places at Lightglider Academy, but I mostly try to help the other leaders handle the blight problem in the Yonders. And this mission is all about restoring the land! The Emerald Fields in the Yonders are usually so beautiful, but they’ve been taken over by blight. My tip for you is to open up enough room in the blight so that you can dodge Machine attacks. The Emerald Fields are home to many green Gliddles, and to use their power correctly, you’ll have to get up close to Machines! Patience is the key to defeating Machines and clearing blight. Remember, if you run out of RES, come back to Lightglider Academy and give out Boosts to recharge! 

I’ve heard that there’s a Machine that’s very hard to get to… Maybe the fences in this area don’t extend the whole way around the Fields?

Glide on!

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February 17, 2025

“A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit..” - Matthew 7:17 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders!

I get the distinct pleasure of introducing our new Unit on the Lightglider Values. Just recently, after a Yonders mission, I was talking with Santiago in the courtyard about the Lightglider values and how important they are. I want these values to deeply impact how I think, how I act, and how I behave. They are especially important to remember in times of uncertainty and pressure, like when I’m battling a Clampneck Machine in the Yonders! 

A value is a principle that affects our decisions and behaviors. Most every family, community, and culture live by a set of values. Lightgliders seek to live with five values: purpose, humility, confidence, hope, and love. These values are inspired by the story of God’s love for us revealed in the Bible. 

• Purpose: Because God created us in His image (Genesis 1:27), our lives are valuable. They have purpose.

• Humility: No one is perfect; we all fall short of God’s standard of goodness and love (Romans 3:23). A deep understanding of this produces a life of humility.

• Confidence: Knowing that God loves us and that Jesus died for our sins despite our shortcomings generates a strong sense of confidence (Ephesians 2:8-10). We can be confident because we are greatly loved by the only One who matters!

• Hope: Because the future is in God’s hands and He promises to restore the brokenness around us, we can always look ahead with hope believing that good things are coming. When we live with hope, we give hope to others (Romans 15:13).

• Love: With Jesus as the ultimate example, we seek to love. Such love is not a feeling. It is a choice that inspires actions that put the needs of others before our own (John 15:13). This is exactly what Jesus did at the cross!

Just like a good seed properly nourished helps to produce a beautiful tree, good values help to produce beautiful lives. 

Glide On!


• Read Matthew 7:17-20 in the Bible. How does the Bible say we will know a tree? How can we be known by the “fruit” we produce?

• What are values and why are they important?

• What are some examples of values?

• What are your family’s core values?

• Play the Game of the Week, Machine Blitz! Everyone on the leaderboard gets a surprise in their inventory!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Marlon is back with a Bible WHAT?! Tune in as he takes a deeper look at Matthew 7:17-18

• Use the Mystery Code - VALUES - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Dream of ways to shine this week. Here are some suggestions! Use your Lightglider journal found in “This Week” to write down your answers to the following questions. 

• Reflect on the five Lightglider values. Which one is easy for you to live by? Which one is difficult?

• Ask your parents what the values of your family are.

• What are some of your values? Write out 2-3 values that you want to adopt, that will help guide your decisions and behaviors. 

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4pm EST / 3pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.   

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to gather in groups and go on multiplayer missions together in the Yonders! 

• Tuesday: Join moderator Primrose in the Courtyard for the monthly Spotlight Celebration Party at 5pm EST / 4pm CST!

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a Race around the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games.

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Spotlights #235

February 15, 2025

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Grace Cupcake Superstar and Blaze Epic Champion! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Both Grace and Blaze celebrated TWO YEARS of being Lightgliders inside the Academy!! What a TREAT it has been to have them in our community for so long!!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Timberlands Approach

Hey, it’s Bryce! Are you ready to take on the Machines once again? We’re sending you to the Timberlands Approach, an area infested with Machines! Rescue the Gliddles there and get ready to battle!

Watch out for Machine attacks, especially from the blue Machines! Their blasts are very powerful. If you get hit too much, you’ll lose a chunk of armor and have to start back at the last checkpoint!

Be careful out there, and remember to keep an eye out for secret grates!

Glide on!

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February 10, 2025

“So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” - 1 Corinthians 15:58 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders!

As a Lightglider, you are sent on missions from Lightglider Academy to restore the land of Glideon. The third and final goal of a Lightglider is to restore. To restore something means to bring it back to the way it was meant to be. Glideon was not meant to be covered in this dark mysterious substance that we call blight. No, it was meant to be beautiful and full of purpose. When you clear the blight, you are bringing Glideon back to what it was intended to be!

The Scriptures tell us that one day God will fully restore this broken world. This means that God will restore the heavens, the earth, and all that is in it to what it was meant to be. This is a day that we all can look forward to with hope. Can you imagine a world where sin, suffering, and death are no more? It will be fantastic! Until that day, Lightgliders seek to restore the beauty, purpose, joy, and dignity of the world around us and everyone in it. In doing so, we serve as signposts of what is to come. A signpost is like a great big billboard telling everyone who passes by what they can look forward to. When we carry out deeds of compassion, beauty, and justice, we give the world a glimpse of an incredible future. Our theme verse this week reminds us that this type of work is always worthwhile. God’s light shines through us to give the world hope!

Glide On!


• Read 1 Corinthians 15:58 in the Bible. What is true about anything you do for the Lord?

• What does it mean to restore something?

• What are some things in your world that are broken and are in need of restoration?

• What can you do through your words or actions to help?

• What are things that break God’s heart and break your heart?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• It’s Find a Mod week!! Keep an eye out for moderator Viola! Say hello and receive a prize!

• Play the Game of the Week, Slam Jam! Everyone on the leaderboard this Saturday will receive a surprise in their inventory!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use this week’s Mystery Code - RESTORE - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Dream of ways to shine this week. Restore the world around you! Here are some suggestions:

• Pick up trash in your neighborhood, at your local park, or at school!

• Make it a mission to cheer someone up!

• Clean your room this week!

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4pm EST / 3pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.   

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to gather in groups and go on multiplayer missions together in the Yonders! 

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Freeze Tag in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games.

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Spotlights #234

February 8, 2025

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Fern Wild Voyager! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Fern has leveled her way up into the Spotlight this week after making it onto the Gleam Team!! Way to go, Fern!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Waterfall Cavern

Hello again! It’s Tambika, and I’m giving you a new mission in Waterfall Cavern, just underneath Waterfall Meadow. This cave seems to be where a lot of the blight is coming from, so we need to get in there and destroy the blight inside! Click on blight next to you to clear it. You can click and drag on multiple blight patches to restore them quickly! Blight usually covers treasures and Materials in the Yonders. Go ahead and grab them; you can trade them for cool stuff here at the Academy!

Clearing blight uses RES, the yellow bar to the left of your screen. If you run out, don’t worry. Just come back to the Academy and hang out. Your RES will recharge over time, and then you can go back to the mission where you last passed a checkpoint! Be on the lookout for RES orbs in the Yonders as well. Don’t grab the RES orbs if you’re already full on RES, or they’ll be wasted!

Glide on!

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February 3, 2025

“Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live.” - Galatians 1:4 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders!

The three goals of a Lightglider are Respect, Rescue, and Restore. I want to take a moment to talk about Rescue. As Lightgliders, we have the awesome responsibility of going on Yonders missions to rescue the Gliddles from danger. We put on armor, glide into the Yonders, and free them from the toxic blight and the control of the Machines. Rescuing others from dangerous situations requires courage and strength of character. Remember that!

Did you know that God is a rescuer? He stopped at nothing to rescue us!

You, me, and everyone on earth need to be rescued from sin and death. When we sin, we miss the mark of God’s love and we contribute to the world’s brokenness. So God the Father sent Jesus His Son to earth to rescue us. Through his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus makes a way for us to be reconciled to God and to experience His love forever. 

This is the greatest rescue mission of all time!

Glide on!


• Read Galatians 1:3-5 in the Bible. Take a moment to pray, thanking God for rescuing you through His Son, Jesus!

• Why do we need to be rescued?

• How does our sin and selfishness hurt us and those around us?

• How can we be rescued?

• Have you been rescued?

• What are ways to love your friends well?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• Play the Game of the Week, Scripture Hunt! Everyone on the leaderboard this Saturday will receive a surprise in their inventory!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use this week’s Mystery Code - RESCUE - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Dream of ways to shine this week. Here are some suggestions!

• Part of rescuing is bringing beauty back to something broken. Draw a picture of something you see as beautiful and give it away to encourage someone else!

• Start a conversation with a friend about how Jesus is the ultimate rescuer. 

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4pm EST / 3pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.   

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to gather in groups and go on multiplayer missions together in the Yonders! 

• Tuesday: If you are new to Lightgliders in the past month (or even if you’re not), join moderator Hazel for the New Player Tour at 5pm EST / 4pm CST! She’ll have fun prizes and a Glideon-wide scavenger hunt waiting for all new Lightgliders.

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Follow the Leader in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games.

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Spotlights #233

February 1, 2025

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Apple Nice Periwinkle and Fern Spirited Marshamallow! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Both Apple and Fern are being Spotlighted this week for the INCREDIBLE kindness they display all throughout the Academy! Way to shine BRIGHT, you two!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Blighted Institute

Hello again! It’s Tambika, and I have a tricky mission for you. We’ve found a major source of blight in the Yonders: some kind of old abandoned Institute. It’s full of empty classrooms, broken tech, and lots and lots of blight! We need you to go in there and clear out all the blight!

Have you been collecting the Lilies that grow in the Yonders? Not only are they pretty, but they somehow grow without being harmed by the blight! Please bring back some of these Lilies for research. Every mission has 10 Lilies growing in them. Can you find them all?

We’ve found some sort of locked door that only opens with coins. I wonder who put this kind of toll entrance there? What treasures are behind that door? Will you spend the coins to open the door? The choice is yours!

Glide on!

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January 27, 2025

“Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.” - Romans 12:10 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders!

Last week we talked about goals and why they matter! Lightgliders pursue three goals each day - respect, rescue, and restore. The first goal of a Lightglider is to respect. We seek to show respect to others and to ourselves. But, how do we do that? What does that even mean? 

When we respect, we are acknowledging worth. You and everyone you meet is worthy of respect because we each were created by God and in His image. We show respect in the way we treat people and in the way we treat ourselves. Therefore, we should seek to care about everyone. We should also care for our minds, hearts, and bodies. 

Whether it’s your best friend or someone you don’t get along with very well, choosing to show respect is what we Lightgliders strive to do. So, when you’re in Mission Control, the Courtyard, the Library, or the Innovation Lab, look for ways to show respect to the other Lightgliders. 

Glide On!


• Read Romans 12:10 in the Bible. How do you take delight in honoring others?

• Why does everyone deserve respect?

• What are ways to respect yourself?

• What are ways to show respect to others?

• Who can you pray for who has caused you difficulty?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• It’s Party Week!!! Join moderators and Lightglider friends on Friday at 5pm EST / 4pm CST in the Courtyard for the Snowin’ Safari Party!! New gliders and outfits will be given out to all in attendance!

• Play the Game of the Week, Crazy Croquet! Everyone on the leaderboard this Saturday will receive some gold coins!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use this week’s Mystery Code - RESPECT - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Dream of ways to shine this week. Here are some suggestions!

• Think of ways you can show respect and do it!

• Write a note to a sibling or grandparent and tell them how much they mean to you!

• Start a conversation with a classmate that you do not normally talk to. 

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4pm EST / 3pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.   

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to gather in groups and go on multiplayer missions together in the Yonders! 

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Crazy Croquet Multiplayer in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: PARTY DAY!! Meet in the Courtyard at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for the Snowin’ Safari Party!!

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games.


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Spotlights #232

January 25, 2025

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Lily Wild Marshmallow and Hazel Risky Marshamallow! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Lily and Hazel have been nominated by Lightglider friends for shining SO BRIGHT inside the Academy! They attend events, are encouraging friends, and bring joy and light with them wherever they go! Keep it up, friends!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Machine Bunker

Hey there! My name’s Bryce, and I’m the head of missions here at Lightglider Academy. I love to save Gliddles from the Machines, so my mission for you is to take on the Machines where it’ll hurt them most! We’ve discovered the location of a Machine Bunker, where Machines are made and sent out into the Yonders. We need to shut this factory down! 

There are lots of Machines in there, so stay alert! Remember, your defense systems can fire automatically, so concentrate on dodging enemy attacks while you battle Machines. Some Machines are programmed to guard doors and hallways. They have lots of armor, but they’re very slow. Stop at a safe distance and you’ll whittle them down!

Go get ‘em!  I’ll be rooting for you!

Glide on!

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January 20, 2025

“I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” - Philippians 3:14 (NLT)

Hey Lightglider!

I get the distinct privilege of introducing our new Unit on the Lightglider Goals. 

Do you know what a goal is? Well, let me tell you! 

A goal is the idea of a future result that we are committed to achieve. We as Lightgliders have three goals that never change. You’ll hear about them a lot in the Academy. They are easy to remember and they all start with “R”. 

1. Respect

2. Rescue

3. Restore

Every day we are committed to these goals because we seek a future where everyone and everything is respected, rescued, and restored!

• In Lightglider Academy, we respect ourselves and each other. 

• In the Yonders, we rescue Gliddles from the clutches of the Machines.

• In Glideon, we restore the land from the blight that is

Setting goals is important because they give us something to strive for! They also help us live with purpose and to spend our time wisely. When we set a goal, we commit to think and act in ways that will help us reach it. And, if you look closely at the Lightglider goals, you’ll see that they clearly point to the Far Greater Story.

Glide On!


P.S. Goals are also what I hope to score in my next soccer game!

• Read Philippians 3:12-14 in the Bible. Why does Paul say he wants to reach the end of the race?

• What are goals and why are they important?

• What are the goals of a Lightglider?

• What goals are you pursuing?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• Check out the Game of the Week, Laser Squad! Every Lightglider on the leaderboard this Saturday receives a prize!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use the Mystery Code - GOALS - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Dream of ways to shine this week. Here are some suggestions!

• Talk with a parent or trusted adult this week about some goals that you can set! 

• Set a goal for the week, a goal for the month, and a goal for the year!

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4pm EST / 3pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.   

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to gather in groups and go on multiplayer missions together in the Yonders! 

• Tuesday: Join moderator Primrose in the Courtyard for the monthly Spotlight Celebration Party at 5pm EST / 4pm CST!

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Boost Tag in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games.

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