Glider Gazette

Weekly Lightglider news to encourage faith and fun!

Spotlights #231

January 18, 2025

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Corrigan Hickory Sage, Flounder Cupcake Professor, Hazel Dazzling Spangle, and Penelope Exuberant Trunk! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

A BIG SHOUTOUT to the Moderators from so many Lightgliders that nominated them for the Spotlight this week!! These mods work really hard at creating new games, planning super fun parties, leading weekly events, and spending time in prayer with all the Lightgliders. WE LOVE THE MODS!!!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Waterfall Cavern

Hello again! It’s Tambika, and I’m giving you a new mission in Waterfall Cavern, just underneath Waterfall Meadow. This cave seems to be where a lot of the blight is coming from, so we need to get in there and destroy the blight inside! Click on blight next to you to clear it. You can click and drag on multiple blight patches to restore them quickly! Blight usually covers treasures and Materials in the Yonders. Go ahead and grab them; you can trade them for cool stuff here at the Academy!

Clearing blight uses RES, the yellow bar to the left of your screen. If you run out, don’t worry. Just come back to the Academy and hang out. Your RES will recharge over time, and then you can go back to the mission where you last passed a checkpoint! Be on the lookout for RES orbs in the Yonders as well. Don’t grab the RES orbs if you’re already full on RES, or they’ll be wasted!

Glide on!

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The Far Greater Story

January 13, 2025

“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.” - Ephesians 5:1-2 (NLT)

Hey Lightglider!

Did you know that the Lightgliders story that you have entered into points to a far greater, far more important story? In Lightgliders we seek to respect, rescue, and restore. And you will learn how this points to The Far Greater Story, the true story of God’s love for us revealed in the Bible!

The Bible reveals God as the ultimate respecter, rescuer, and restorer. He RESPECTS us by creating us in His image and giving us dignity and purpose. He RESCUES us from the grip of sin and death through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. And He promises to RESTORE us and our broken world one day so that we may live forever with Him. This is The Far Greater Story.

We are so glad you’re here. Yes, you are here to play games, meet friends, and have fun. But, your purpose for being here is far greater! 

Glide On!


• Read Ephesians 5:1-2 in the Bible. What are ways to follow the example of Jesus?

• What is your favorite Bible story about Jesus and what do you learn from it?

• How can we best learn about and imitate God’s love?

• Why is the cross the ultimate example of love?

• What is your favorite family memory and why?

• How can you share the far greater story of God’s love for you?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• Play the Game of the Week, Hover Frenzy! Everyone on the leaderboard this Saturday gets a prize in their inventory!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use the Mystery Code - STORY - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Dream of ways to shine this week. Here are some suggestions!

• Talk with a friend about your favorite Bible story. What does this story teach you about God?

• Invite your family to participate in a week-long kindness challenge! Find ways to show kindness to each other, classmates, neighbors, and more and talk about them at dinner each night!

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4pm EST / 3pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.   

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to gather in groups and go on multiplayer missions together in the Yonders! 

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Guess It Right! in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games.


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Spotlights #230

January 11, 2025

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Zane Amazing Thinker and Ezra Prudent Lion! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Zane is always helpful, he logs in almost every day to the Academy and loves playing missions and games with friends. If you ever need help, Zane will always be around.

Ezra is such a great friend to everybody! He is fun and always has great advice before logging out of the Academy. We feel honored to have him part of LG.

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Hover Frenzy

It’s madness on the hoverboard assembly floor! With so many Lightgliders that need new hoverboards, production is trying to keep up! Help keep assembly on track by catching the falling hoverboards and putting them on the conveyor belt before they all fall to the ground. Purple hoverboards are worth more points, so be sure to grab those when you can! Watch out though, you can’t carry too many!

Glide on!

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Made to Shine

January 6, 2025

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” - John 1:5 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders!

If you are new around here, we - the other Lightglider leaders and me - want you to know that you were MADE TO SHINE! That is something you will hear a lot here because we must believe this and be reminded of it regularly. Let me tell you what this means.

• God created you uniquely. There is no one in the history of the world like you. No one else has your exact personality, interests, and talents. In other words, you were made

• You have opportunities every day to use your uniqueness to love God and to love others in ways that only you can. When you do this, you shine. You bring light into the world. And, if there is one thing you need to know about light, it always defeats darkness.

• When you put these two ideas together, it is easy to see that you were made to shine

And this is what we Lightgliders seek to do each day. This can feel like a big responsibility. But, like a candle in a dark tunnel, even the smallest light can be blinding. If you’ve been to Machine Bunker in the Yonders, you know what I mean!

Jesus is the true light of the world. As we follow Him, we will reflect Him and will shine like stars in the heavens. Let’s reflect His love and light everywhere we go this year!

Glide On!


Here are some activities for you to do and questions to reflect upon this week in Lightgliders. Do these by yourself or with a family member!

• Read John 1:1-5 in the Bible. What are all the things we learn about the “Word” in these verses?

• What does it mean to live in God’s light and to share it with the world?

• What do you think it means to shine?

• In what ways do you shine in the darkness?

• How were you uniquely made to love God and love others?

• How could your interests, personality, or talents be used to shine?

• Find a Mod! Keep an eye out for Moderator Flounder in the Academy this week! Say hello and receive a prize!

• Play the game of the week, Tap Tap Boom! Everyone on the leaderboard this Saturday gets a prize in their inventory!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use the Mystery Code - SHINE - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Dream of ways to shine this week. Here are some suggestions!

• Think about how God made you uniquely! Write down three things that you are good at and think about how you can impact others with those good things!

• Ask three friends how they see themselves as unique!

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4pm EST / 3pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.   

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to gather in groups and go on multiplayer missions together in the Yonders! 

• Tuesday: If you are new to Lightgliders in the past month (or even if you’re not), join moderator Hazel for the New Player Tour at 5pm EST / 4pm CST! She’ll have fun prizes and a Glideon-wide scavenger hunt waiting for all new Lightgliders.

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Tic-Tac-Toe in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games.

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Spotlights #229

January 4, 2025

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Max Hungry Sleuth! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Max is being featured in the Spotlight for making it to Level 80, the Gleam Team!! Way to go, Max!!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

River Journey

Tambika here, with another mission for you! This time you’ll be clearing the blight and rescuing the Gliddles near the River. After your success in the Waterfall area, I’m sure you’ll do great!

Be on the lookout for more secrets here! Anything that’s out of place might hide treasures and Gliddles! 

We also try to send supply drops to tricky areas. Look for areas marked with a glowing door--you’ll find supplies to help you recharge and get back into the action! 

Glide on!

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December 30, 2024

“In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” - Matthew 5:16 (NLT)

Hey there! It is the beginning of a new year at Lightglider Academy. We try to begin each year sharing with the community what it means to be a Lightglider. My name is Kwan, and it’s my job to make sure you’re outfitted, trained, and ready for action.

Lightgliders are defenders of good, a force made up of individuals just like you that shine in the darkness and help out those in need. Right now, the land of Glideon is in need!

For unknown reasons, a mysterious gooey substance called blight is spreading all over the land. At the same time, strange Machines have appeared and are kidnapping lovable creatures called the Gliddles! It’s up to us to go on missions to clear away the blight and rescue the Gliddles from the Machines!

Being a Lightglider is a purposeful adventure. As you play, you will have opportunities to learn about the greatest adventure there is—to know, grow in, and show the love of God.

If you have visited Lightgliders on a computer or on a mobile device, click “Lightglider Academy” from the menu to access the world of Glideon. Explore the Courtyard, Innovation Lab, Library, and Mission Control! Or visit the Yonders to go on exciting missions. You’ll battle Machines, rescue Gliddles, clear blight, meet other Lightgliders, and much more. Play minigames, watch videos, create postcards, and read messages. As you do, you will level up your light bar and unlock more to do! 

As you explore the Academy or click “Faith & Fun” on the menu, you will see that the activities inside Lightgliders are color-coded. I want to make sure you know what the colors mean. Let me try to help!

Everything in Purple is a Game. There are lots of games to play inside Lightgliders.

Everything in Green is a Spark. These are short video stories that help us learn an important lesson from the Bible.

Everything in Orange is a Prayer. These are short prayer videos to do on your own or with a family member. 

Everything in Pink is a Postcard. Customize these and send them to your friends!

Everything in Red is a Message. These are messages about the Lightgliders gameplay, the weekly lessons, Spotlight announcements, and more. (Fun fact: You are currently reading one!)

Everything in Blue is LGTV.  These are videos to encourage fun, learning, and laughter. They include Tutorials, Bible WHAT?!, Gliddle Game Gab, and more!

In time, you’ll learn more than just skills for battle and adventure. You’ll learn about the Far Greater Story found in the Bible, the story about the God who loves you more than you could possibly imagine.  As Lightgliders, we seek to RESPECT, RESCUE, and RESTORE every day because that is what God has done and is doing for us, in us, and through us. You were made to use what He has given you to help a world in need. You were made to shine!  

Welcome to Lightgliders! Let’s glide! 

Glide On!


P.S. Come find me in the Innovation Lab!

• Read Matthew 5:14-16 in the Bible. What does the Scripture say shines out for all to see?

• In what ways did you shine today?

• What is on your heart to pray about?

• What does it mean to rescue something?

• What does it mean to put others before yourself?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• Play the Game of the Week, Glider Training! Everyone on the leaderboard this Saturday gets a surprise in their inventory!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use the Mystery Code - LIGHTGLIDER - for a surprise in your inventory!

Dream of ways to shine this week. Here are some suggestions!

• Use your words to encourage. Tell a classmate or sibling something you appreciate about them! It could be how hard they work at school, how funny they are, or that you are thankful just to know them! 

• Use your hands to serve. Offer to help your parents with something out of the ordinary! Maybe your brother always takes the trash out, but you can do it this time!

• Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4pm EST / 3pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.   

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to gather in groups and go on multiplayer missions together in the Yonders! 

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Sardines Hide & Seek in the Courtyard! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games.

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Spotlights #228

December 28, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Blaze Swift Trunk and Jefferson Swift Hero! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Blaze Swift Trunk and Jefferson Swift Hero are featured in the Spotlight this week for their incredible care for other Lightgliders inside the Academy! From letting others go first in events, to praying for Lightglider friends, these two are shining bright! Keep it up!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Glider Training

Hey Lightglider, it’s Bryce! We all know that hovering above the ground on your glider is a blast, but wouldn’t it be awesome to fly? I’m ready to train you to use the hover tech in our gliders to soar to new heights! Tap and hold to gain altitude, and release to descend! Managing the force of your glider as well as the incoming obstacles is the key to a good flight. Fly as long as possible to get the high score!

Glide On!

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December 23, 2024

Hey Lightgliders!

Read the passages below from the Bible as a family.

Read Luke 2:1-15

“Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others - the armies of heaven - praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.’” - Luke 2:13-14 (NLT)

Think about and discuss these questions:

• Why is Jesus’ birth important?

• How did the shepherds respond after they saw the angels praising God?

Read Luke 2:16-21

“After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child.” - Luke 2:17 (NLT)

Just like the shepherds, we are to share the good news of Christmas with others. Jesus is the reason for the season! 

Merry Christmas!


Here are some activities for you to do and questions to reflect upon this week in Lightgliders. Do these by yourself or with a family member!

• Read the full Christmas story found in Luke 2:1-21 in the Bible. How can we “celebrate” Christmas all year long?

• Why do you celebrate Christmas?

• What are you looking forward to this Christmas?

• Ask God for ways to celebrate Jesus.

• What is the meaning of Christmas?

• Play the Game of the Week, Christmas Run! Everyone on the leaderboard this Saturday gets a prize!

• Check out the Bible WHAT with Marlon as he talks about the Christmas story in Luke 2!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use the Mystery Code - CHRISTMAS - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope–Monday (4:30pm EST / 3:30pm CST), Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4:00pm EST / 3:00pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4:30pm EST / 3:30pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at 5pm EST / 4pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: No games in the Academy today! Merry Christmas!

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #227

December 20, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Lily Skillful Artist and Rose Creative Superstar! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Lily Skillful Artist is in the Spotlight this week for being a vibrant part of the Lightglider community! She’s such a fun friend to have in the Academy!

Rose Creative Superstar is in the Spotlight this week because she is really helpful, really kind, and loves giving gifts to her friends!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Advent 2024

Many Christians throughout the world - and throughout history! - celebrate the season of Advent. Advent means “arrival” and Christians from many backgrounds celebrate this four week season with reflections on hope, peace, love, and joy, focusing on the arrival of Jesus!

This week the focus is on love! The theme of Love invites us all to rejoice in the endless love that God has for us, which is made apparent in the birth of His Son! 

To celebrate Advent we’re giving out fun surprises all month long! This week use code LOVE! Stay tuned HERE next week for our final week of Advent to see what other surprises we have to give away!

Glide On!

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December 16, 2024

“You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy. The reward for trusting him will be the salvation of your souls.” - 1 Peter 1:8-9 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders!

Faith is a word you may hear quite a bit among people who go to church. To have faith means to trust and believe. We all practice faith on a daily basis. If you sit down in a chair, you trust and believe in that chair, that it will hold you up when you sit down! Faith in Jesus is similar. It means that our trust and belief is in Him and what He did for us through the cross event. We can live with confidence and joy because our faith is in the only One who rescues us from sin, evil, and death. And, according to our theme verse this week, the reward for our faith in Jesus is salvation. Jesus saves us from the wages of our sin and gives us eternal life. This is really good news! Thank you, Jesus!

Glide On!


Here are some activities for you to do and questions to reflect upon this week in Lightgliders. Do these by yourself or with a family member!

• Read 1 Peter 1:8-9 in the Bible. What is your reward for trusting Jesus?

• How can you exercise your faith?

• What do you have faith in?

• Take time to pray and ask God to help you trust Him with everything in your life..

• How can faith in Jesus give you confidence?

• It’s Party Week!! Join Lightglider friends in the Courtyard on Friday at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for the Lightgliders Ski Lodge Christmas party!

• Play the Game of the Week, Christmas Treehouse Jumping!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Check out this week’s Bible WHAT?! with Marlon as he discusses our theme verse!

• Use the Mystery Code - FAITH - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope–Monday (4:30pm EST / 3:30pm CST), Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4:00pm EST / 3:00pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4:30pm EST / 3:30pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at 5pm EST / 4pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Hide & Seek in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: PARTY DAY!!! Meet in the Courtyard at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for the Lightgliders Ski Lodge Christmas party!!

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #226

December 14, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Macy Pip Cider and Flash Nice Spangle! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Macy, a newer Lighglider in the Academy, has been nominated for the Spotlight by friends who have pointed out that she is super encouraging, attends community events, and asks amazing questions! Keep it up, Macy!

Flash has been nominated for the Spotlight by moderator Corrigan for making so many great suggestions for improvements in the Academy, as well as reporting bugs, making Lightgliders a better experience for everyone! Way to go, Flash!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Advent 2024

Many Christians throughout the world - and throughout history! - celebrate the season of Advent. Advent means “arrival” and Christians from many backgrounds celebrate this four week season with reflections on hope, peace, love, and joy, focusing on the arrival of Jesus!

This week the focus is on joy! The theme of Joy invites us all to celebrate the joy of our faith, the joy we’ve already experienced this season, and the joy of the coming Christ! 

To celebrate Advent we’re giving out fun surprises all month long! This week use code JOY! Stay tuned HERE next week for our final week of Advent to see what other surprises we have to give away!

Glide On!

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December 9, 2024

“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.” - John 13:34 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders! 

As Lightgliders, we seek to respect, rescue, and restore! Hopefully, you know that by now. But do you know why we do these things? Because of the love revealed to us by God through Jesus! We value love here. Love motivates each of the three Lightglider goals. We want it to motivate everything we do in life. That’s why it is one of our core values. When we love, we put the needs of others ahead of our own. Unfortunately, our selfishness will continue to try to rule our thoughts and motivations, so we need to be continually reminded to love. The best reminder for me to love is to remember what Jesus did on the cross. He did that for me. And because He chose to love me when I didn’t deserve it, I try to remember to be grateful and motivated to love others. 

What does it look like to love the people in your life?  Do you offer words of encouragement? Do you serve, give gifts, write notes, smile, hug, share, or listen? There are lots of ways to love others. Love energizes any atmosphere.

Glide On!


• Read John 13:34-35 in the Bible. What will our love do to the world?

• Why can it be difficult to love?

• What does love look like to you?

• Who has God given you to love?

• What is one way you will put the needs of others in front of your own this week?

• Play the Game of the Week, Christmas Gravity Runner! Everyone on the leaderboard this Saturday will receive a prize!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use this week’s Mystery Code - LOVE - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope–Monday (4:30pm EST / 3:30pm CST), Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4:00pm EST / 3:00pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4:30pm EST / 3:30pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at 5pm EST / 4pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Boost Tag in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #225

December 7, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Grace Creative Mastermind and Amber Awesome Artist! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Both Grace and Amber have been nominated for the Spotlight by fellow Lightgliders this week for being kind friends, helpful Lightgliders, and amazing people to have around in the Academy! Way to go, Grace and Amber!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Advent 2024

Many Christians throughout the world - and throughout history! - celebrate the season of Advent. Advent means “arrival” and Christians from many backgrounds celebrate this four week season with reflections on hope, peace, love, and joy, focusing on the arrival of Jesus!

This week the focus is on peace! The theme of Peace invites us all to reflect on God’s promise of peace through Jesus Christ!

To celebrate Advent we’re giving out fun surprises all month long! This week use code PEACE! Stay tuned HERE for the next four weeks to see what other surprises we have to give away!

Glide On!

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December 2, 2024

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. - ‭‭John 14:6‬ (‭NLT‬‬)

Hey Lightgliders!

Did you know that the Far Greater Story is not a fairy tale or a myth? All we have talked about over the last few weeks--Creation, Rebellion, Redemption, and Restoration--is absolutely true. It was proven true by a person, Jesus, and an event that we can investigate, His death and resurrection.

Think about that. Something happened in human history that proves that the story of God’s love for you is true.

As a refresher, here are all the parts of the story:

• Creation tells us how this world and our lives became a reality. God created.

• Rebellion explains why there is evil, suffering, and death in this world. It is because we all have rebelled against God. This is called sin. It has destructive consequences.

• Redemption shares how Jesus defeated sin and death through the cross event and made a way for us to be saved.

• Restoration gives us insight into why the future is bright. Jesus will restore all that is broken, and God will live with His people forever.

• Jesus – His life, death, and resurrection – proves that this is no fairy tale. The Far Greater Story is true. God’s love for you is real and He wants to have a relationship with you. 

Christianity rests upon Jesus and what He did at the cross. If Jesus did not die on a cross and come back to life, then our faith in Him is only wishful thinking. But the truth is that He did die. He was buried in a tomb and He rose again, defeating sin and death for us. This is what we call the Gospel. Gospel simply means “good news,” and the good news is that Jesus is our Savior. Because of Him, we can be forgiven and live in relationship with God forever. Over the next few weeks, we’re going to dive into what this means for our lives!

Glide On!


Here are some questions to reflect upon this week in Lightgliders. Do these by yourself or with a family member!

• Read John 14:6 in the Bible. What is Jesus claiming about Himself?

• Why is the cross so important?

• What Lightgliders values come from understanding Creation and Rebellion?

• What Lightgliders values come from understanding Redemption and Restoration?

• What evidence is there for Jesus’ resurrection?

• New Ambassadors announced this week! Check out the Spotlight Blog to welcome our newest leaders in the Academy!

• Play the Game of the Week, Boost Fusion!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Check out Bible WHAT?! featuring Marlon! He’s talking about the cross event in verses 1 Corinthians 15:3-4!

• Use this week’s Mystery Code - CROSS - and receive a surprise in your inventory!

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope–Monday (4:30pm EST / 3:30pm CST), Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4:00pm EST / 3:00pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4:30pm EST / 3:30pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at 5pm EST / 4pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Guess It Right in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #224

November 30, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Faith Kind Strider! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Faith Kind Strider is the newest Ambassador inside the Academy! Congratulations, Faith! Be sure to say congratulations and well done when you see Faith in the Academy this week!!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Advent 2024

Many Christians throughout the world - and throughout history! - celebrate the season of Advent. Advent means “arrival” and Christians from many backgrounds celebrate this four week season with reflections on hope, peace, love, and joy, focusing on the arrival of Jesus!

This week the focus is on hope! The theme of Hope reminds us all that Jesus is coming and that He will lead us out of darkness and into His light!

To celebrate Advent we’re giving out fun surprises all month long! This week use code HOPE! Stay tuned HERE for the next four weeks to see what other surprises we have to give away!

Glide On!

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November 25, 2024

“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” - Colossians 3:23 (NLT)

Hey Lightglider!

This week we wrap up our unit on Restoration by talking about RESPONSIBILITY. God will restore all things one day, and while we wait, we can work to restore the world around us in small ways as a signpost of what is to come. We do this by the way we steward our lives and carry out our responsibilities. To be responsible means to steward everything we’ve been given with great care. We are to always do our best with everything God has given us to care for and do. This includes our schoolwork, homework, friendships, extracurricular activities, and even the time in our day. It starts with the little things like cleaning up after yourself or doing your chores, but it can lead to big things like serving as a Lightglider Ambassador and other activities at your school or church. In what ways do you show yourself to be a responsible person? I try to show it through my work in the Innovation Lab. I seek to do the best that I can to create tech to solve the blight problem. I know that being responsible in the little things leads to greater responsibilities to come. Please remember this! 

Glide On!


As you think about responsibility this week, here are some questions to reflect on by yourself or with a family member!

• Read Colossians 3:23-24 in your Bible. What does it mean to work for the Lord rather than for people?

• What are the responsibilities in your life?

• What “little things” in your life are you responsible for?

• In what areas could you be more responsible?

• Do you give your best in everything you do?

• Play the Game of the Week, Coin Catcher! 

• Watch the Sparks and Prayers on the FrontPage


• Use this week’s Mystery Code - RESPONSIBLE - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope–Monday (4:30pm EST / 3:30pm CST), Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4:00pm EST / 3:00pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4:30pm EST / 3:30pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at 5pm EST / 4pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Tic-Tac-Toe in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #223

November 23, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Fern Spirited Marshmallow, Max Hungry Sleuth, and Lily Wild Marshmallow! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Fern, Max, and Lily are our Pretty Encouraging Postcard Contest winners!! Congratulations to all three of you! Well done!!

Fern Spirited Marshmallow

Max Hungry Sleuth

Lily Wild Marshmallow

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!


Hi there! My name’s Kwan, and I handle technology at the Academy. I have a mission for you that requires some quick thinking! The Entryway to some sort of abandoned building has a ton of special switches and secrets, so explore every nook and cranny of this level! Rumor has it that there’s also some sort of giant Machine somewhere on the Entryway grounds!

Can you get into the first room of the building? There’s some sort of special switch that you have to find and press… maybe it’s in a hard-to-reach area? Or maybe it’s hidden in plain sight? You’ll have to go to find out!

Glide On!

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November 18, 2024

“I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life.” - 1 John 5:13 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders!

We have recently been looking at the final chapter of The Far Greater Story known as Restoration. We have learned that, through Jesus, we have eternal life. We have learned that He will come back one day and restore all that is broken. Because we have this hope for tomorrow, we can live with peace today. When you have peace, your mind is calm and your heart is not troubled. Peace comes from Jesus, who promises us a bright future with Him.

Is your mind and heart experiencing peace today? If not, talk to Jesus and ask Him to comfort you. He loves you more than you could possibly imagine. Eternal life with Him is the end of the Far Greater Story. Or is it the beginning?

Let’s celebrate this good news in Lightglider Academy this week!

Glide On!


Here are some activities for you to do and questions to reflect upon this week in Lightgliders. Do these by yourself or with a family member!

• Read 1 John 5:13 in the Bible. How does belief in Jesus give us peace?

• Who are you thankful for?

• How can thankfulness in what God has done for you give you peace?

• Which of your friends are on your mind to pray for?

• How can you spread peace to others through thankfulness?

• PARTY WEEK!! Join us in the Courtyard on FRIDAY at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for the Gratitude Gala!! New gliders and outfits will be given out to everyone in attendance!

• Play the Game of the Week, Fruit Fling! Every Lightglider on the leaderboard this Saturday gets a prize in their inventory!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos.

• Use this week’s Mystery Code - PEACE - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope–Monday (4:30pm EST / 3:30pm CST), Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4:00pm EST / 3:00pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4:30pm EST / 3:30pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at 5pm EST / 4pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Sardines Hide & Seek in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: PARTY WEEK!!! Meet in the Courtyard at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for the Gratitude Gala! Gliders and outfits will be given out to everyone in attendance!

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #222

November 16, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Grace Cupcake Superstar and Blaze Epic Champion! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Grace Cupcake Superstar has been nominated for the Spotlight for being super kind, always around at events, and for sending amazing postcards!! Way to go, Grace!

Blaze Epic Champion has also been nominated for the Spotlight for being super involved in events and an all around great friend to have in the Academy! Keep it up, Blaze!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Timberlands Approach

Hey, it’s Bryce! Are you ready to take on the Machines once again? We’re sending you to the Timberlands Approach, an area infested with Machines! Rescue the Gliddles there and get ready to battle!

Watch out for Machine attacks, especially from the blue Machines! Their blasts are very powerful. If you get hit too much, you’ll lose a chunk of armor and have to start back at the last checkpoint!

Be careful out there, and remember to keep an eye out for secret grates!

Glide On!

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November 11, 2024

“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope, comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say.” - 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders! 

This week our theme is hope. It’s a small word with a big impact. To live with hope means to look to the future with the expectation that good things are coming. And because of God’s promise to restore this broken world one day, we can be confident that good things are coming!  

However, living with this expectation is tough to do sometimes, especially if things around us are tough. But, because of Jesus, we always have a reason to live with hope. As we learned last week, God promises eternal life and a fully restored world. He will make everything right again some day. The future is secure. Therefore, we always have a reason to hope!

And, trust me on this, hope is invigorating. It is electrifying. It is powerful! When we live with hope, we will share it with others. And, like a spark, the fire of hope spreads and the future begins to look brighter and brighter to those around you. Think of the Gliddles in the Yonders. Just knowing that Lightgliders are out there gives them hope that the future will be bright. This is the power of hope. 

I try to wake up each day with hope--with the expectation that the day will be new, exciting, and meaningful. I'm telling you, living with hope makes a difference!

Glide On!


• Read 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 in the Bible. According to these verses, what does Jesus give us?

• How can you spread hope to others?

• What do you hope for in life?

• What does it look like to have hope in hard times?

• How does Jesus’ love for us give us hope?

• Play the Game of the Week, Gravity Golf! Everyone on the leaderboard this Saturday will receive a surprise in their inventory!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use this week’s Mystery Code - HOPE - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Join us for Prayer Time with Penelope–Monday (4:30pm EST / 3:30pm CST), Wednesday (5:30pm EST / 4:30pm CST), and Friday (4:00pm EST / 3:00pm CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4:30pm EST / 3:30pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at 5pm EST / 4pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 6pm EST / 5pm CST! Join moderator Flounder today for a game of Silly Sentences in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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